Thursday, December 31, 2009

Microfiche to pdf cost

Converting microfiche to PDF is a specialty of Scanning Depot, who has great microfiche scanning pricing in the microfiche scanning and digital conversion industry.

More and more clients have been requested microfiche to PDF transfers. The PDF can be a multi-pdf by the microfiche title header, or sequential single page PDFs, whatever directory structure or naming format you need.

So what the cost to transfer microfiche to PDF? It depends on microfiche volume and microfiche type (COM fiche, jacketed microfiche, or step-and-repeat fiche) and if you have any image indexing requirements.

Feel free to contact me for a digitizing microfiche quote. I'd be more than happy to assist you.

Contact Me

Anthony Ferrar Scanning Depot 786-227-3042
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