One obstacle that many companies encounter is that they do not feel comfortable or are unable to function without the microfiche cards during the conversion process. A company such as Scanning Depot has resolved this issue for many large and small companies throughout the years. They will first learn and understand the work-flow and the need of the clients so that they minimize distractions or interruptions to the client. They can also set up an uninterrupted flow to give the client access to the documents they need. This may include an Internet connection and an on-demand request process. Whatever the case may be, Scanning Depot assures the client an efficient solution.
There are multiple types of microfiche cards. Your cards may be COM fiche, jackets, step and repeat, and they may contain 16mm or 35mm images. There are even other variations of these types of formats. In addition, the documents were reduced in the process of filming. All this information is important for the conversion process, and a professional with the skills and the equipment is best suited to convert your microfiche.