Scanning is the process that transfers a document, microfilm, or microfiche, from the microfilm to a digital format. To perform this process yourself, and obtain good results, you need to get a good understanding on how this scanning equipment works. You need to invest top dollars in purchasing a good microfilm scanner (Sunrise, NextScan, Mekel, Wicks & Wilson, Ristech DRS), imaging software, and technical help. In addition to the expense of the equipment, you may need additional expenses for the training to operate the scanner. Not all microfiche scanners are suited the same for all types of microfilm (for example, NextStar can scan 16 mm or 35 mm roll film with severely poor contrast and horrible edge detection), so get well inform before investing. Other systems may need better microfilm to get good results.
Another option is to consult with an expert before you invest big money in buying microfilm scanners. Experts at Scanning Depot have helped many organizations understand all about film scanning, as well as providing them with alternative solutions. Others needed additional understanding of the concept, and others relied on Scanning Depot for the actual conversion process. We have unprecedented experience having converted over one billion images. It is important to be properly equipped with the best systems to provide the best possible quality and also the best prices.