The value of microfilm scanning or converting microfiche to create digital images is greatly increased when it is properly indexed. Index information can be manually keyed via data entry, run through an OCR process to create text search able PDFs, barcode extracted, or blip extracted.
For film that contains "blips" or image markers (small counters created when the film was made), we can extract the information those blips represent. For example, a roll of 16mm film or a 35mm roll of microfilm may contain student records with a large blip indicating the start of a new student's folder, and a small or medium blip indicating the pages within that folder. The output file name format for blip-extracted images can be arranged in any way you like - in a multi-tiff, in sub-directories, or by data key indexing each master blip.
Kodak Oracle Bar-code extraction is another of our capabilities. Similar to blip-extraction, we can retrieve data from Oracle bar-coded frames. When the bar-codes are consistent and clear, we can use this data for indexing purposes and/or provide the information as the image file name. Scanning Depot has indexing software that can accommodate documents that have a book and page numbering system, or fields such as SSN indexing, Name and Date, or other data fields. Coupled with our quality control and validation, would assure that the digital images are named correctly for any microfilm conversion.